A site-specific staging by
Nguyễn Huy An - Lại Diệu Hà - Nguyễn Trần Nam - Nguyễn Văn Phúc - Nguyễn Trinh Thi - Nguyễn Văn Thủy
Open studio: 11.00 AM - 07.00 PM (Wed - Sun) from 23 Feb until 19 Mar 2023
Venues: the front yard of manzi art space - 14 Phan Huy Ích, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
& manzi exhibition space - no.2 ngõ Hàng Bún, Ba Đình, Hà Nội
A shoe
A ladder
A lightning strike
The Sound
Hòn non bộ (miniature landscape art)
A fleeting outline scribbled down, that outline of a Story not yet to be fully-formed just awaiting to be unveiled, but rather of the happenings to be encountered and recorded.
Throughout over three weeks, six artists (working in different disciplines: visual arts, performance art, sound & moving images) will collaborate together in a series of “symbiotic experiments”, an open studio simultaneously at two different spaces of manzi.
Provoked by an infinite conundrum about More-Than-Human World, ‘The Understories’ simulates a site-specific staging in which many elements/characters would be involved; they can appear suddenly or quietly withdraw, with unexpected movements and mise en scène:
A four - rhythm open studio
Experimenting with both space and time, 'More than human #1: The Understories' is not an inert installations. Rather, week after week, the displayed works will transform through four 'Phases'
(or we can call them ‘Rhythms’ as in Biology /'Acts’ as in a Play/ ‘Chapters’ as in a Story),
Transient & Moving...
Each part only lasts for 4 - 5 days
Rhythm #4
02.00 PM 15 Mar - 07.00 PM 19 Mar